
My hand reached over to my left nipple, mirroring her movement.We sat watching each other intently for a minute, each of us silently teasing. As she unbuttoned another button, my fingers started opening my flannel shirt. My fingers buried under my bra, softly tweaking my nipple. I groaned softly as she winked at me and unbuttoned to the waist, baring her breast and frankly willing me to watch as she teased herself. Leaning back in her chair and propping her ankles on the matching ottoman, her right hand reached down for the hem of her dress and slowly, teasingly raised it until I could see the wisps of her pubes starting to peek out from underneath. My breath caught slightly as I realized she was naked from the waist down, and was starting to tease her labia for my viewing. I wasn't totally certain but I thought I caught a faint whiff of her arousal as she dipped a finger between her outer lips.Mesmerized, I opened the remaining buttons of my shirt and gently lifted the underwires. I found that out later on.” “Yeah I guess so. Just seems like an incredibly lonely childhood.” “Anyway I got into the habit of sitting on the swings during recess and lunch time because it was as good a way as any to pass time. I noticed a boy sitting over next to a wooden fence just sitting there watching me as I swang back and forth and I immediately recognized a fellow loner. He was staring at me and I felt compelled to just stare right back. It was in no way awkward like you might expect, just two kindred spirits who recognized each other. Now you need to understand that I was quite shy at that age so I would normally look away or go somewhere else but something was telling me that I should stay. It was, as they say, a pivotal moment in my life. I know it doesn’t sound like much, two kids staring at each other across a school yard but there was something galvanising in that moment. Once we had sized each other up for a few moments I noticed his gaze wander down my body. I was.
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